Sunday, May 3, 2009

Taking It Slow

Today was another good day for Odakota. I took a bucket of oats and treats out with me again this morning and he came right over to my lap and started eating from it. I was able to stroke the side of his face again and I even touched the top of his nose a couple of times. He is still very scared and any sudden movement he jumps back. He was very interested in my boots and jeans today. So much so that he even tried nibbling on my jeans. I however didn't like that too much and told him no. I don't want an accidental bite to happen.

After he was done with his bucket of goodies he decided to eat some hay. I put my hand out and he came over and sniffed it. I was even able to rub between his eyes for a sec before he really realized what he was letting me do and backed away again.

This evening I sent Makenzie out there with a bucket of goodies for him and he went right to her. Boy does he like his oats and cookies. She was so excited that she was able to touch his face. She touched his cheeks on both sides at once and that made her smile. He was interested in her boots as well. Looks like maybe, just maybe he might be coming around but we are gonna take it slow. I am gonna let him get use to our smells and us touching his face while he is in our laps eating. He let Makenzie reach out to him while he was eating his hay and she touched his face again.

I hope this will be a good week for us. I am not gonna go for the lead rope just yet. Hopefully he will start to trust us a bit more. We will just take it slow and be patient with him. I think he's gonna surprise us though once he allows us into his space.

1 comment:

  1. Touching both sides at once is a HUGE deal! Way to go!
