Friday, May 1, 2009

No More Flies

Well yesterday was not what I had hoped it would be with Odakota. I spent over 2 hours with him before picking the kids up from school and he wanted nothing to do with me. Sooooo I decided to get the fly spray out.

He has that gash on his head above his left eye and the flies will not leave it alone. Looks like they have made themselves quite at home there so I turned the pray nozzle to stream and away I went lol. He didn't even know what hit him. Didn't like it one bit either but hey, the flies left for a bit anyways. I decided to spray his body as best I could from my sitting position as well and again, he didn't care too much for that either.

When Makenzie got home I sent her out there with a good book and her helmet. She spent about 30 minutes out there before finishing her book and getting hungry and Odakota left her alone the whole time. He didn't show any interest in us yesterday.

I hope to get out for a good ride today and when I come home I plan on planting myself in Odakota's food dish until he lets me touch his nose. I will letcha all know how that turns out :)

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