Yesterday I opened up the panels for Odakota to have access to the whole round pen. He loves the space and all the grass growing under the rails.
We got lots of pictures and wanted to share them all with you.
Yesterday I opened up the panels for Odakota to have access to the whole round pen. He loves the space and all the grass growing under the rails.
We got lots of pictures and wanted to share them all with you.
Today was a good day with Odakota. Makenzie was able to scratch his neck while he ate from the grain bucket and she was also able to place both hands on his face at once. This is a huge deal. She also grabbed hold of the lead rope a few times. Didn't hold on but let it slide through her hands. That was her first attempt at it and they both did great.
I took lots of pictures today and wanted to share them with you all. I think he is finally starting to trust us. He's getting very interested in us when we go back to see him or even to just play in the back yard. He comes over to the fence now instead of running around his pen to try and get away. I hope to be able to grab the lead line by the end of the week but we shall see!
Here are some pictures I got the other day of the 2 of them. Sorry the song is longer the the pictures but I'm just learning the movie maker thing lol.